
by Cindy Life



記得開HD這次的燈光比較差因為我不小心把我的打光燈給弄壞了 所以畫質看起來也比較不好唷下一支影片就不會了 請見諒 More Cindymail cindy13579cindy13579 yahoo com tw法國珍貴水城野醫生 毛孔收斂水Thayers 有機金縷梅玫瑰化妝水Manetti roberts rose waterFresh rose deep hydration facial toner肌研 白潤高效集中淡斑化妝水自白肌 玻尿酸濃密保濕化妝水相機 Panasonic GF7 LUMIX 12 32變焦鏡頭剪輯軟體 威力導演



Hair History: 1960s

  • by Loepsie 1632

In this episode we're going to talk about the 60's. Once again, fashion was more important than beauty when it came to hairstyling...