HEY brides and brides to be! This is the fifth episode of my wedding series DIY. These bridal party ideas range from all differen...
使用した折り紙のサイズは15 15 です 裏面も見えるので 両面カラーがオススメです 難しそうでハードルの高い佐藤ローズを 折る手順を簡略化したり 達人折り手法を平面折りにしてみたりと 出来るだけ分かりやすく折れるようにしてみました 分かりやすくとは言っても そこは佐藤ローズなので簡単ではないですが 外観は佐藤ローズなので 佐藤ローズの雰囲気は味わえると思います 2 2The size of origami used is 15 x 15 cm Since the back side can also be seen it is recommended for both sides color I tried to simplify the procedure to fold Sato Rose which seems to be difficult and has a high hurdle to make it as easy to understand as possible Although it is easy to understand it is not easy because it is Sato Rose Since the appearance is Sato Rose I think that the atmosphere of Sato Rose can be tasted 2 2
HEY brides and brides to be! This is the fifth episode of my wedding series DIY. These bridal party ideas range from all differen...
QUOTES IN HANDWRITING with a GLASS PEN Season 01 Slo Lee Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can is the best advic...
今日のおやつは「水まんじゅう」を作りました(*´∀`*) 食べるだけで「夏!」という感じがします。
오늘은빛깔이너무예쁜우주를담은갤럭시마카롱을만들었어요! 갤럭시쉘에새하얀요거트크림이들어가서넘예쁜갤럭시요거트마카롱이에요♥은색펄색소로신비한느낌의장식도해보고,식용은구슬로별자리도만들고너무즐거운베이킹시간이었어요^。^겨울왕국분위기가나는것같기도하고,신...
A Gaston woman found two very young and unusual kittens in her barn Saturday. They weighed just a couple ounces each and didn't ap...
▼今日のお弁当メニュー ・カラフルそうめん ・冷しゃぶサラダ
Sorry about the focus on this one, my camera must have been having it's period.
チワワのかんぺーくんと、インコのモレッキくん。 同い年の仲良し兄弟です(*^^*) 2017年は酉年。2018年の今年は戌年。 昨年はお疲れ様。 今年は頑張れよ!とお話しているのかな? 今年もよろしくお願いします❤️
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