熱門歐美彩妝開箱!仙女盤、櫻桃盤、MAC限量刷具、閃亮持久唇膏...Online Shopping In Selfridges | 沛莉 Peri

by 百變沛莉 Peri

熱門歐美彩妝開箱!仙女盤、櫻桃盤、MAC限量刷具、閃亮持久唇膏...Online Shopping In Selfridges | 沛莉 Peri


被燒慘了 只好放火一起燒沛寶 今天開箱instagram超夯 也是我愛的歐美彩妝品牌的新品 HUDA BEAUTY仙女盤 URBAN DECAY櫻桃盤 還有ABH最美大地色Sultry 以及眉膠 刷具 假睫毛膠 唇膏 等 我是在英國selfridges 購入的唷 加入年費會員全年免運挺好買的 哈哈哈 有興趣爬文研究一下 很簡單操作 影片中使用的商品 Products I Mentioned LINKS HUDA BEAUTYThe New Nude Palette 1 978URBAN DECAYNaked Cherry Palette 1 489 ANASTASIA BEVERLY HILLSSultry eyeshadow palette 1 627ANASTASIA BEVERLY HILLSDipbrow Pomade GraniteGranite 692ANASTASIA BEVERLY HILLSDipbrow Pomade Ash brown 692MACShiny Pretty Things Brush Party Eyes kit 1 301HUDA BEAUTYPower Bullet Metallic LipstickCake dayCake day 601HUDA BEAUTYLash Glue 481ANASTASIA BEVERLY HILLSDuo Brush 7B eyebrow brush 621 更多生活動態追蹤 instagram peri168 聯絡信箱 peritaiwan gmail com 非商業合作影片 This video is not sponsored




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This is the perfect project to use up a few of those gorgeous fall leaves outside while creating a pretty centerpiece at the same ...