
by ゴールデンレトリバー



もう治療法がない 末期のようです



Tread Inktober Day 20 Hand Stu...

  • by thefrugalcrafter Lindsay Weirich 970

We are 20 days into Inktober and the prompt is "Tread" and my theme is drawing hands and here is my art for today! You can see the...

Paint With Me in my Paris Gard...

  • by Shayda Campbell 1265

The window is open, the sunlight is streaming in and the birds are chirping...oh, and we're in France! So let's sit together and p...

Ring inspired by sea waves wit...

  • by Lan Anh Handmade 1623

Ring inspired by sea waves with spherical stone - jewelry from copper wire by Lan Anh Handmade This ring pattern is remake from th...


  • by Tokyo ZooNet 1488


Toy that makes bread stick パン...

  • by MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ 870

Cut bread , Microwave it , Dip it in chocolate. ( BANDAI 2008 ) 今日は日本ではポッキーの日。ということで昔のおもちゃでポッキーっぽいものを作ってみました。電子レンジでとっても簡単にカリッとできる...