
by 佐藤 優里亜



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Easy Vegan Desserts that EVERY...

  • by Caitlin Shoemaker 1526

Here are 3 easy vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, and chocolatey dessert recipes that everyone can enjoy! Get 20% off your online purc...

[3D pen] 여자 만들기. Making a woma...

  • by Hoo's mini world 656

이번엔 3D펜으로 흰색 원피스를 입은 여자를 만들어 보았습니다. 이사 후에 새로운 환경에서 만든 첫 작업인 만큼 예상보다 더 많은 시간이 걸렸습니다. 아직 여름의 기운이 남아 있던 9월 초에 잡은 컨셉이라, 지금 보니 많이 추워 보...


  • by Green Mumbles 1754


Shibori Hearts

  • by TurtleSoupBeads 1119

So I am starting a new channel more about clothes and styling my jewelry and other DIYs heres the link https://www.youtube.com/w...

Mindblowingly Delicious Ramen ...

  • by Glorious Gluttony 1090

This is my new favorite ramen shop in tokyo! Menson rage offers a shoyu based shamosoba as well as a soupless Mazesoba. Both dishe...

How I Make Art Prints!

  • by arleebean 862

My shop: https://www.arleebean.com/ Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/arleebean


  • by TheSorryGirls 1097

Does anyone else notice the air smells different in autumn? Today we bring you 5 diys/ hacks/ ideas for you to do this season in y...