青花瓷畫皂DIY - brush embroidery on soap for the August soap challenge club_regular category- 手工皂

by Oh我的雙牛寶貝兒/Yvonne

青花瓷畫皂DIY - brush embroidery on soap for the August soap challenge club_regular category- 手工皂


配方 Recipe 1 原色底皂 white base soap橄欖油 olive oil 150g甜杏仁油 sweet almond oil 100g椰子油 coconut oil 100g棕櫚油 palm oil 100g乳油木果脂 shea butter 50g99 氫氧化鈉 99 sodium hydroxide 73g純水 purified water 145g茉莉花園香精 jasmine garden fragrance oil 10ml2 藍色邊框 blue frame橄欖油 olive oil 150g甜杏仁油 sweet almond oil 100g椰子油 coconut oil 100g棕櫚油 palm oil 100g乳油木果脂 shea butter 50g99 氫氧化鈉 99 sodium hydroxide 73g純水 purified water 145g藍色珠光粉 blue mica 適量 moderate荷荷芭油 jojoba oil 適量 moderate茉莉花園香精 jasmine garden fragrance oil 10ml3 畫皂皂液 painting soap橄欖油 olive oil 60g甜杏仁油 sweet almond oil 40g椰子油 coconut oil 40g棕櫚油 palm oil 40g乳油木果脂 shea butter 10g蜜蠟 refined bee wax 10g99 氫氧化鈉 99 sodium hydroxide 28g純水 purified water 57g藍色珠光粉 blue mica 適量 moderate荷荷芭油 jojoba oil 適量 moderate 聯絡信箱 E mail liao yvonne gmail com



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