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by 슈앤트리 SHU AND TREE

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푸들 치치가 과감한 변신을시도 했어요 귀여운 하이바에서 벗어나사랑스러운 베들링턴 변형 컷으로봄 맞이 변신 대성공 뒷 모습으로대신 전하는 엄지 척 너무 귀엽지 않나요 감사합니다



My Current Hair Routine

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A lot of you have been asking what my hair routine has been lately. I haven't really done too many treatments etc, but this is wha...

Painting a Purple Tulip with w...

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A demonstration of how to paint a Purple 'Tulip Negrita' with 3 watercolour markers. For this Aquamarker tutorial, I show you how...


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爬虫類Youtuerの真夜中のビバリウムさんと一緒に 神奈川県海老名市にある爬虫類カフェ、LOUNGEさんにて5m超えのニシキヘビ達えの餌やりを見させてもらいました。 日本で見ることのできる最大級のヘビたちの捕食シーンは圧巻! 是非ご覧ください。