FOCUS STITCH- Satin Stitch- H...
Focus stitch Are new videos for hand embroidery especially for beginners, this is the most basic stitch in embroidery the Satin st...
提到的產品Benefit 嘖嘖稱齊毛孔隱形露Innisfree 大藝術家顏彩筆 綠色 修飾泛紅 植村秀 極保濕輕感防護乳紀梵希 超薄輕透雪紡紗粉底液 色號 3 5 3 0混 nature republic 遮瑕Laura Mercier 柔光透明蜜粉Anastasia 眉粉 眉筆 medium brown3ina 腮紅 1033ina 眼影打底膏Palladium 鼻影眼影 celvoke 玩色深邃眼影 01眼線筆 上眼線 資生堂眼線筆下眼線 Celvoke 眼線膠筆 紅棕色 眼線液筆 1028睫毛膏 1028打亮 資生堂 光顏聚光霜 02雅詩蘭黛楊冪色 333dior 後台彩妝修容
Focus stitch Are new videos for hand embroidery especially for beginners, this is the most basic stitch in embroidery the Satin st...
鳴くとドアが開くことも知っている豆大福です^^ 利用されることに喜びを感じているお父さんとお母さんです♬
園芸家の杉井志織さんによる、オーナメンタルグラスを主役にしたコンテナガーデンです。グラス類の間から花色がちらりと覗く、秋らしい景色を作ってみましょう。 記事はこちら:
Whether it’s the directional clothes at Hood By Air or the musical stylings of Wench, everything Shayne Oliver touches bears his a...
We hid a $25 Amazon e-card code in today's video! Be the first person to find it and redeem the code! We might do this more often ...
Time for a bedroom tour in my new home! Welcome into my room! I never feel like my room is complete but many of you have requested...
シンガポールで日本の盆栽を取り扱う、Jia Bonsai Singaporeさんに伺いました。
HELLO PEOPLE. I recently decluttered almost all of my makeup collection (NOTE THE INTRO LOL) and FINALLY have begun to organize it...
상큼한 자몽으로 색감이 예쁜 노오븐 치즈케이크를 만들었어요~ ▼▽▼▽구독하고~ 좋아요!누르고 공유 부탁드려요!^^▼▽▼▽ 더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥For more detailed recipes...
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