Crochet Baby Bonnet / Shell Bonnet (0-3 months)
Thank you for watching and do follow me on social media Do subscribe to my channel that way you won t miss any of my future upload Email lovinglynie gmail com ___________________________________Shell Bonnet 0 3 months Yarn medium weight 4 Red Heart Unforgettable Hook 4 00mm Magic magic loopRound 1 chain 2 make 12 dc into loopRound 2 chain2 2 dc into every sts 24 sts Round 3 chain2 2 dc 2 dc into next sts Repeat 8x 32 sts Round 4 chain2 3 dc 2 dc into next sts Repeat 8x 40 sts Row 5 chain 3 shell sts 2 dc chain 1 2 dc skip 3 sts shell sts Repeat until you get total of 10 shells sts 1 dc You should have 1 sts left Row 6 chain 3 make shell sts into every chain 1 space from previous row 1 dc on the chain from previous row Row 7 9 repeat row 6Row 10 chain 3 make 5 dc into every chain 1 space from previous row 1 dc Chain 1 to secure sts and cut yarn
紙皿でポインセチアのリース Poinsettia Wreat...
紙皿は直径18cmのものを、 柊の葉は7.5×7.5cmサイズの折り紙を8枚使いました。 ポインセチアは15×15cmで作ったものです。作り方は別の動画で紹介しています。 紙皿には両面テープで貼りました。
Eine Bluse aus Viskosestoff nä...
Schnittmuster Damenbluse + Kleid: Nähideen und Schnittmuster-News:
Chocolate Panna Cotta - チョコレート...
How to make Choco Panna Cotta Recipe [ASMR] チョコレートパンナコッタ Eating Sound ● Subscribe (よろしければチャンネル登録お願いします!): ...
Wrestling Ragdolls (short clip...
Just a short clip to show you that Timo is getting more energetic every day. He's feeling well, acting more and more like the old ...
Best Makeup Transformations 20...
Best Makeup Transformations 2019 | New Makeup Tutorials Compilation #20
2017年度愛用彩妝品 ♥ Nancy
做了好幾集愛用保養品清單,這次輪到愛用彩妝品們! 開架專櫃都有~這些都是我平常最長使用的化妝品喔 ❤️ 算是精華中的精華了~ Join the family 訂閱我的頻道 ➡️
【ビーズ刺繍】カボションとシードビーズとフェルトで作る ハン...
ご視聴ありがとうございます(^^) 動画が少しでもイイと思ったら、Goodボタン・チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします♪
Sewing Machine Dust Cover by D...
This is an adaptation of a cover from my Sewing Room Accessories book, made from 5 fat quarters of fabric and 102" [256cm] of bias...
Some simple ways of hanging st...
Some simple ways of hanging stones with common stone shapes and sizes ( have hole ) - Basic Guide - How to make jewelry from coppe...