Crochet Baby Bonnet / Shell Bonnet (0-3 months)

by LovinglyNie

Crochet Baby Bonnet / Shell Bonnet (0-3 months)


Thank you for watching and do follow me on social media Do subscribe to my channel that way you won t miss any of my future upload Email lovinglynie gmail com ___________________________________Shell Bonnet 0 3 months Yarn medium weight 4 Red Heart Unforgettable Hook 4 00mm Magic magic loopRound 1 chain 2 make 12 dc into loopRound 2 chain2 2 dc into every sts 24 sts Round 3 chain2 2 dc 2 dc into next sts Repeat 8x 32 sts Round 4 chain2 3 dc 2 dc into next sts Repeat 8x 40 sts Row 5 chain 3 shell sts 2 dc chain 1 2 dc skip 3 sts shell sts Repeat until you get total of 10 shells sts 1 dc You should have 1 sts left Row 6 chain 3 make shell sts into every chain 1 space from previous row 1 dc on the chain from previous row Row 7 9 repeat row 6Row 10 chain 3 make 5 dc into every chain 1 space from previous row 1 dc Chain 1 to secure sts and cut yarn



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