New Nail Art 2020 The Best Na...
New Nail Art 2020 😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation / part5 Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE channel & LIKE video. thank you .........
日式轻奶酪蛋糕 Japanese Cheesecake recipe 是一个进阶的食谱 它是前面轻奶酪蛋糕的一个后续 这个系列里面一共有四个视频 第四集 日式轻奶酪蛋糕 Japanese Cheese Cake 本视频四个视频涉及很多做蛋糕的方方面面 例如蛋白打发的几个阶段 蛋白打发对蛋糕的影响 蛋黄糊的乳化 蛋黄糊的稀稠程度 温度对蛋糕的影响 等等 前面三个视频侧重于蛋糕的成败 而最后一个视频侧重于如何将蛋糕做的更加完美 日式轻奶酪蛋糕材料 烤盘 Oval Shape Nonstick Baking Tray Size 8 8 x 4 5 x 3 1 inch大鸡蛋 3个牛奶 60 克 1 4 杯奶油奶酪 160克无盐黄油 35克低筋面粉 25克 如果蛋黄糊偏稀 可以加入5克面粉作为调整量 白醋 3克 1 2 小勺白糖 40克 3 大勺预热好的烤箱 250 F 120 C 烤60分钟然后打开烤炙功能 3分钟上色Japanese Cheese Cake ingredients Oval Shape Nonstick Baking Tray Size 8 8 x 4 5 x 3 1 inchLarge eggs 3Milk 60 g 1 4 cupCream cheese 160 gUnsalted butter 35 gCake flour 25 g 5 gram as adjustment to increase the thickness of the egg yolk batter Vinegar 3 g 1 2 teaspoonSugar 40 g 3 tablespoonsPreheated oven 250 F 120 C bake for 60 minutesThen turn on the broiler for 3 minutes to color背景音乐 Watercolor Lilies by Aaron Kenny日式轻奶酪蛋糕 日式轻乳酪蛋糕 japanese cheese cake jiggly cake
New Nail Art 2020 😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation / part5 Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE channel & LIKE video. thank you .........
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My name is Irina Lyamshina. In this video you will see how I paint a flowers. For painting you can use acrylic paints. I paint wi...
Hello Guys and welcome back to my channel! I'm taking part in Jake Parkers Original Inktober Prompts list.
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