Thank you for watching, love you! 🤍
ぜひ作ってみてくださいね 炊飯器でシカゴピザ5 5合炊きの炊飯器 1台分材料 ピザ生地薄力粉 250g牛乳 150mlベーキングパウダー 小さじ2砂糖 大さじ1塩 小さじ1 2オリーブオイル 小さじ1 トッピングピザソース 100g玉ねぎ 薄切り 1 2個トマト 輪切り 4枚ピーマン 輪切り 1個 モッツァレラチーズ 200g サラミ 5枚コーン 50g作り方 1 ボウルに薄力粉 ベーキングパウダー 砂糖 塩を加えて混ぜ合わせる 2 牛乳を加えて生地がまとまるまで捏ね オリーブオイルを加えてなめらかになるまで捏ねる 3 生地を2等分し 炊飯釜の直径より少し大きめに伸ばす 炊飯釜の内側にオリーブオイルを少量塗り 生地を入れて底に押し広げる 4 生地の底と側面に半量のピザソースを塗り チーズ 玉ねぎ ピーマンをのせる 5 残りの生地をかぶせて 残りのピザソースを塗り チーズ コーン トマト ピーマン サラミ チーズの順にのせ 普通炊きで炊飯する 爪楊枝を刺して生地が付いてこなければ焼き上がり 6 炊飯釜から取り出して 好みの大きさに切り分けたら 完成 Chicago Style Rice Cooker PizzaServings 6 8INGREDIENTSDough250 grams all purpose flour plus more for dusting2 teaspoons baking powder1 tablespoon sugar½ teaspoon kosher salt150 milliliters whole milk1 teaspoon olive oil plus more for greasingToppings100 grams pizza sauce divided200 grams shredded mozzarella cheese divided½ white onion sliced1 green bell pepper seeded and sliced crosswise divided50 grams corn4 tomato slices5 salami slicesPREPARATION1 Make the dough In a large bowl combine the flour baking powder sugar and salt Mix well 2 Pour in the milk and stir well with a spatula then knead with your hands until the dough starts to come together Add the olive oil and knead the dough into a ball 3 Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface Cut off ⅓ of the dough and shape into a ball Set aside Shape the larger dough portion into a ball and roll out to a round that will fit inside your rice cooker about 12 inches 30 centimeters in diameter and ¼ inch 5 millimeters thick Roll out the smaller dough portion to a circle about 8 inches 20 centimeters in diameter and ¼ inch 5 millimeters thick 4 Brush the rice cooker insert with olive oil Place the large dough round in the insert so it s flush against the bottom and comes up the sides Spread 50 grams of pizza sauce evenly over the dough Top with 100 grams shredded mozzarella the onion and ½ of the sliced bell pepper 5 Lay the smaller dough circle over the top and pinch the edges of the dough together to adhere 6 Top with the remaining 50 grams pizza sauce 70 grams shredded mozzarella the corn tomato slices remaining sliced bell pepper the salami and the remaining 30 grams of shredded mozzarella 7 Place the insert in the rice cooker and cook for 40 minutes until the dough is cooked through and golden brown 8 Remove the insert from the rice cooker Using a spatula carefully remove the pizza from the insert then slice and serve 9 Enjoy
Thank you for watching, love you! 🤍
Here is a variation on how to use the petals from Template #6 to make a flower - I like to call this a "filler flower" :)
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) MY SO JADED MEGA PALETTE IS NOW AVAILABLE!!!! I hope you enjoy this video! Thanks for watching! xoxo!
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ご視聴ありがとうございます(^^) 動画が少しでもイイと思ったら、Goodボタン・チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします♪
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