МУСКАРИ из бумаги / Весенняя композиция / DIY TSVORIC

by Tsvoric

МУСКАРИ из бумаги / Весенняя композиция / DIY TSVORIC


tsvoric мкскариизбумаги цветыизбумаги Бумага Cartotecnica Rossi 180g Для мускари 600 556 557 562Для крокусов 574 17А4Для шариков фольга размером 3 3 см и 4 5 4 5смРазмещение видео только с ссылкой на YouTube с указанием автора Tsvoric ЦВОРИК МОИ СОЦСЕТИ_ Реквизиты на развитие канала Карта Тинькоff 5536 9137 9183 7699 ___Сотрудничество Cooperation tsvoricbusiness gmail com ___Музыку для канала пишет Music by Key peter E mail key peter gmail comInstagram peterev



很蝦的妝容 feat. 蝦味先|Astor

  • by Astor 842



  • by KathleenLights 1847

Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) My newest collaboration with Colourpop is almost here!!!!!! I hope you guys enjoy! Thanks for watching! x...

Toilet Paper DIYs to do when y...

  • by Maqaroon 1196

♥ Follow Me On TikTok Here!! ♥ @maqaroon ♥ Best Transparent Squishy Resin? ♥ https://youtu.be/HrPXAwc3a9k When I uploaded my last ...

Lisa Eldridge and Victoria Bec...

  • by Victoria Beckham 818

Lisa Eldridge and Victoria Beckham sit down to create a festive smoky eye look that will get you inspired for the Christmas Party.

Meeting my Adorable New Foster...

  • by Kitten Lady 1230

I meet a lot of kittens, but...man! Chickpea really is somethin' else! This video is just a cute look at our first 9 minutes toget...

Watermelon-shaped But Not Wate...

  • by MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ 996

We made a watermelon-shaped ice pop that doesn't taste like watermelon. We even included dried blueberries to look like seeds. Be ...

Finnegan Fox is a dad!

  • by SaveAFox 836

Okay, not a biological dad. But he is a foster dad 🧡 This fox pup is a furfarm rescue I've been bottle feeding the last couple wee...