近期购物分享|La Mer 新面霜、ReVive眼霜、Salondeju鞋子等等等等

by Vicky Soupsss

近期购物分享|La Mer 新面霜、ReVive眼霜、Salondeju鞋子等等等等


好像好久都没有做购物分享啦 种草机Vicky上线 最近可能因为换季皮肤有点过敏 脸上也长痘痘 望大家包含 你们也要注意保湿抗敏啊 视频里的我视频里提到的东西美瞳 WX etebeautystore GemstoneLensme Magotea BerryteaROSES ET REINES BATH SHOWER GEL 折扣码区 Disclaimer I bought EVERYTHING with my own money All the opinions are my OWN and HONEST Some of the links are affiliated that I will make a couple of cents to a couple of dollars if you purchase thru them but that won t affect your prices at all If you don t like that open a new tab and google what you want PEACE weibo 耙耙洋 那个字是pa 不是粑粑的ba bilibili 小红书 VickysoupsssBusiness Only vickysoupsss gmail com Final Cut Pro



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