Hey guys! I wanted to create a full glam look incorporating a forest green smokey eye, and this is what I came up with! I also tri...
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Hey guys! I wanted to create a full glam look incorporating a forest green smokey eye, and this is what I came up with! I also tri...
You don't feel best around the waist and you want to conceal your belly? Why jump onto shapewear when there are simple clothes, sh...
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LIVE: Kitten Nursery in New York City | The city’s first high-volume “kitten nursery” provides care for felines too young to survi...
This is Max’s morning and it’s very basic to changing his diaper and feeding him to play time
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麻糊2週前忽然拉肚子, 給醫生檢查以後確診是腸胃炎, 應該是吃到了髒東西...
園芸家の杉井志織さんが、多肉植物の中でも根強い人気のグリーンネックレスを紹介。ルビー、アーモンド、ピーチなど見た目もかわいい多彩な品種が魅力です。 記事はこちら:
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Thank you to squarespace for sponsoring this video! If you'd like to try it out for free, go to and if you...
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