How to pipe open-work cookies

by My little bakery

How to pipe open-work cookies


Welcome to My Little Bakery Group You will get the information about my class there My FacebookMy InstagramMy blogMy websiteYou can find some brushes mats molds on Etsy hereWHAT I USED IN THIS VIDEO Royal icing consistencyRoyal icing recipeSugar cookie recipeWhat you need to start decorating cookiesMusic by EPIDEMIC SOUNDDISCLAIMER I often review or link to products I regularly use and think you might find helpful To support the channel I use Affiliate links wherever possible which means if you click one of the links in this video description and make a purchase I may receive a very small commission Thanks for the support



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귀여운 츄츄 고양이가 집사와 병원엘 다녀왔다고 합니다. 천장에 있던 캣타워를 부러워했던 집사는 상상의 나래를 펼쳐봅니다. 병원에서 만난 24살의 고양이처럼 츄츄 고양이도 장수를 하면 좋겠네요. * 8월 29일 라이브 영상입니다.