T-shirt Quilt for Fathers Day ...
Angela raids her husband's closet to stitch up a special quilted Father's Day gift. This T-shirt quilt for Jeremy isn't just any o...
구독 좋아요 댓글 감사합니다 재료 정육각 초신선 삼겹살 캠핑장비 노마드스토브 오피넬 8 내셔널지오그래픽 어드벤쳐 가죽장갑 Camera Canon 5D Mark II Lens Canon 70 200mmDron DJI MAVIC PROMic VideoMic RycoteVideo Editor Davinci Resolve 15Design Edited by kimjonghoonMail ireumstudio gmail com Porkbellybbq porkbelly 삼겹살
Angela raids her husband's closet to stitch up a special quilted Father's Day gift. This T-shirt quilt for Jeremy isn't just any o...
This video shows the process of making Crossbody Bag. I think this would be good to use as smartphone bag. Have a good time!
・この分量だと ぼくが使った器で 6~7コ出来ます。 ・器のまま食べる人は バターは塗らなくてもいいかもしれません。 ・ぼくが使った蓋には蒸気が逃げる穴があいていません。蓋に穴があいている場合は 爪楊枝などで穴を塞いだほうがいいかもしれません。 ・砂糖は てん...
Sooo hello everyone. When people watch us they probably always presume the same... that our family does not have accidents from ti...
DIY Accordion Dividers Bag 칸막이가 있는 핸드백을 만들었습니다. 앞쪽에서 칸칸이 사용할수 있는 독특한 가방입니다 내부에도 지퍼포켓이 있어요 예쁘게 만들어 보세요~ 감사 합니다.
You all know I LOVE The Ordinary.....so could ANY brand rival the quality of product with the same affordable price?
今回の動画がゆるくていいなって おもっていただけたら高評価ボタン、 チャンネル登録お願いします!
今回ご紹介したコスメはこちら♡ ADDICTION プライマーアディクション https://goo.gl/5JtHg6 ADDICTION ザ ファンデーション008 https://goo.gl/YDZ3J3 ADDICTION パーフェクト モバイルタッ...
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