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Built in 1975 to accommodate the hawkers at the very popular Jalan Sultan street market and even though it’s near the centre of to...
最近のお気に入りコスメを中心にオレンジ×ゴールドXmasメイクしてみました☆ IPSA Super mat concealer イプサ スーパーマットコンシーラー http://amzn.to/2g4Lp8y IPSA Control base Pimk イプ...
Guys, I have a vintage carrier backpack! 💚 All the ducks were delighted. 🦆
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Rebel may have been born a third the size of her siblings, but that won’t stop her from becoming a tiny, adorable little brat.
Watch how these chefs perfect their craft on Made By Hand: http://bit.ly/2qBNnPo
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