팥앙금으로 만드는 3가지 간단 디저트 [스윗더미 . Sweet The MI]

by 스윗더미 . Sweet The MI

팥앙금으로 만드는 3가지 간단 디저트 [스윗더미 . Sweet The MI]


팥앙금으로 만드는 3가지 디저트 Subscribe and Like always thanks 양갱 푸딩팥앙금 200g물 110g한천 2g설탕 60 70g 구운 찹쌀떡찹쌀가루 200g뜨거운물 100 150g앙금 200g 앙금말차라떼말차가루 5g설탕 20g뜨거운물 60도 30g우유 160 180ml팥앙금 30g MUSIC BYIkson Taste It Rooftop e mail mi__im0 naver com




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Hi beauties! Got another super easy room decor for all of you! This beautiful DIY mandala tapestry was so easy to put together. I...

Rich Ganache Soft Chocolate Ba...

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We tried making this recipe and the chocolate bar shape is cute. As it is eaten cool like a rich ganache, it is perfect for the su...