12 Colorful DIY Art Projects and Hacks

by Craft Factory

12 Colorful DIY Art Projects and Hacks


Time to whip out the paint again as today we show you how to create 12 of your own easy to make and super colorful works of art in unexpected ways Timestamps0 00 Stained Glass Window Art1 00 Finished Puzzle Hack1 39 Spinning Paint Art2 25 Dustpan Paint Hack3 09 Stencil Heart Handbag3 45 Stencil Painted Stationery Box4 41 Cookie Cutter Star Art5 07 Paint Splatter Star Art6 01 Bottle Base Paint Hack6 58 3D Colored Salt Art7 59 Paint Sieve Hack9 18 Stencil Painted Cloud PillowCraft Factory will teach you how to DIY from upcycling old clothes to transforming food into pretty designs we have it covered Subscribe for more daily DIYs and life hacks Like us on Facebook Craft Factory www facebook com CraftFactoryByKidspirationFollow us on InstagramCheck out our other channels Twisted www youtube com TwistedFoodVT www youtube com JungleVT



いいお返事だね!甘えるジャンくん甘えるポンちゃん【Jean ...

  • by 保護猫ジャンポン 646

朝の穏やかなひと時。 「ジャンくん」「ニャー」「ポンちゃん」「ニャー」と返事をしていい子です。 ジャンくんはブラッシングをおねだりして気持ちいいので爪とぎがしたくなり、ポンちゃんは撫で撫でされてベッドにスリスリしました。 今日も概ね幸せです。

Cat Belly And Meows

  • by Butters The Bean 1706

Butters was laying on his back wanting to play. He was also very chatty.