164 Planting sempervivum between my echeveria, picking an area for my grow lights, and future plans

by Cerriscapades

164 Planting sempervivum between my echeveria, picking an area for my grow lights, and future plans


LET S PLANT EP 164 Planting sempervivum between my echeveria picking an area for my grow lights and future plansLots have happened in this episode It is winter here in Australia We do not usually get snow here in Metro Melbourne so that usually means lots of rain instead Because of the weather I m unable to do much gardening at the moment at least not the type you would do outdoors So I decided to start thinking of what I can do indoors This reminded me of the grow lights that I got from Mars Hydro I wanted to do something with them but I m an absolute newbie with grow lights so I will be starting by working on a series of experiments and work my way up to being comfortable with using them on my plants I m using a Mars Hydro TS1000W you can get them on Amazon For starters I might have to build a frame from which to hang it from Thanks to Alex I also might have to think about my growing setup I might heavily consider getting mylar tent Other than that I wanted to do another experiment My Echeveria are constantly getting wet under the rain I m not that concerned since the soil drains quickly But I m thinking that maybe they will benefit with having winter growers planted in among the gaps Maybe that could solve some of the excess water they re getting during the rainy winter I picked sempervivum since they do well in the cold and they can form clumps which I want to happen They also do not grow too high vertically keeping the separation between echeveria and sempervivum and still allowing for airflow The great thing about this setup is that the larger echeveria can also help shield the semps during summer keeping them cool and protected I have some semps in the garden but I needed more so I tapped my local swap group for more Lastly I also want to work on my aeonium display area I bounced some ideas with my friends in my facebook discussion group and got some good feedback I might consider their suggestions here Cerriscapades discussion group Title and ending music Open Those Bright Eyes Kevin MacLeod incompetech com Licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution 3 0 LicenseI am on Patreon Plant Shop AU only Please check out my other accounts Awesome music thanks to EpidemicSoundSign up for an EpidemicSound subscription using my referral link to get a month free



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