$274 Gourmet Food in Japan - Omi Beef & Lobster Teppanyaki in Kyoto

by Aden Films

$274 Gourmet Food in Japan - Omi Beef & Lobster Teppanyaki in Kyoto


Omi Wagyu Beef belongs to the 3 most reputable cattle breeds in Japan beside Kobe Beef and Matsusaka Beef The highest quality A5 Wagyu such as Omi beef is usually firm to the bite with a distinct strong taste of beef Unlike medium and lower quality A5 Wagyu which melts in your mouth like a piece of butter a rather unpleasant sensation for most people In this restaurant usually 80 g of Omi Beef are served for the set lunch meal I asked for additional 40 g 4 000 Yen 35 USD the chef put 10 g on top for free Without the lobster and with the regular 80 g steak the lunch is about half the price Interestingly the chef spoke only Japanese and French they English speaking waiter explains the different food items Filmed in Kyoto Japan



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