3 Ways to Waterfall Braid Hairstyle Tutorial - KayleyMelissa

by Kayley Melissa

3 Ways to Waterfall Braid Hairstyle Tutorial - KayleyMelissa


Today we re learning 3 ways to waterfall braid This hairstyle tutorial is here to help you learn how to style your water fall braid I hope you guys enjoy these couple of half up hair styles I always found it hard to know how to wear a waterfall braid so it was fun to make this beginner friendly video I feel like I may actually start wearing waterfall braids more I hope you enjoy this video FTC Thanks to Shea Moisture for sponsoring this video Products Mentioned Videos to mix up your Hair Routine 5 Easy Morning Hairstyles Hairstyles for Scarves Winter Hats Margo Robbie Inspired Pigtails 3 Days of Heatless Hairstyles Clean to Dirty Follow and Chat with me at My Website www kayleymelissa com Instagram KayleyMelissa Pinterest kayleymelissa Facebook kayleymelissa Twitter kayleymelissa SnapChat KayleyMelissa For business inquiries kayleymelissa mattermediagroup com Mailing Address Kayley Melissa530 S Lake Ave 531Pasadena CA 91101 What I m wearing Shirt Anthropologie Lipstick Colourpop Lippie Stix OversizedI love you guys Thank you for watching my videos




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