30 How to Make STRAWBERRY ROCK Sticky Candy - Sticky Candy Making Process

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30 How to Make STRAWBERRY ROCK Sticky Candy - Sticky Candy Making Process


Sticky is available in many countries such as Cambodia Hong Kong USA Indonesia Malaysia Australia and Singapore This is the only one handmade candy shop that show their making process of candies in public to the people to see Today I would like to share with all of you a video of making sticky candy with STRAWBERRY ROCK design This is a handmade candy making located in Cambodia inside a mall called AEON MALL in Phnom Penh city They can produce hundreds of a very nice STRAWBERRY ROCK candy without using the machine and the decoration is quite beautiful and look as same as STRAWBERRY This is such an awesome work Hope you all like this video And do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to look for my new videos Super thanks to Sticky Cambodia for let me film the video at their candy labs to share to everyone You can also check out Sticky Cambodia on Website www sticky com khFacebook facebook com stickycambodia Aeon Mall Phnom Penh Cambodia Thank you very very much for your like and support ishareuwatch stickycandy makingstrawberrycandy Follow me on how to make candy handmade handmade candy handmade candy store candy how to how to make handmade candy hand made traditional hand made hand made candy sticky hand made candy sticky candy making candy stick candy candylabs aeon mall phnom penh candy food handmade candy canes hand made candy floss hand made candy ideas handmade candy recipe traditional hand made candy cambodia candies bonbon how to make handmade candy jars handmade candy carts sticky candy price sticky candy sticky rock candy how to make sticky candy types of sticky candy sticky candy shop sticky candy list sticky candy game what makes candy sticky sticky s candy sticky how to how to barber pole candy



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