Pearl pourFor this pearl pour I used 2 parts Floetrol to 1 part Liquitex Basics paints with a splash of water I mixed Decoart Supreme Sheen 24k gold 1 to 1 with floetrol to get the pearl effects SPONSOR ME HERE POURING YOUR HEART OUT HERE MY INSTAGRAM HERE
Today I am sharing my picks for the BEST drugstore and affordable makeup items of the year 2018, and applying them for you! Let me...
Dog Reviews Food With Husky | Tucker Taste Test 17
This delicious peppermint bark tastes better than the store-bought version and is so EASY to make!!! You’ll love this quintessenti...
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姉弟の中で一番秀吉の顔に似ているオデコがかわいいです^^ 豆大福が強烈過ぎてあまり目立ちませんが、かなり可愛い顔をしています♬
안녕하세요 쪼꼬미 여러분~? ♥.♥ 오늘은 레진과 우드컵받침으로 파도가 넘실대는 코스터(컵받침)을 만들어 봤어요!! 정말 풍덩 빠질 수 있을 것 같지 않나요?! 층층이 높이가 달라서 한가지색 레진을 붓기만 해도 예쁜 그라데이션이 나...
All smiles despite the heat today at work!
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