8 Blender Hacks Youll Wish You...
Everything tastes better when it's blended! ___
CURITIBA BRAZIL Curitiba is located in the Paraná state of southern Brazil It s a pleasant city and they known especially for meat In this video we go on a Brazilian food tour of Curitiba explore some of the iconic meat dishes of the city and eat a 5 kilo family sandwich Brazil BrazilianFood hugefoodMercearia Fantinato Carne de onça Jaguar meat known as jaguar meat yet of course not jaguar at all this steak tartare raw minced beef got its name because of the raw meat breath you ll have after you eat it It s mixed table side and it s delicious Price 53 99 BRL 13 54 Costelão do Gaúcho One of the things that Curitiba is known for and all of southern Brazil is meat and especially the beef ribs are among the prized cut Costelão do Gaúcho is an amazing restaurant that specializes in beef ribs The owner is a master treating each rack of ribs with respect and roasting and smoking them with precision I loved his table saw method of cutting the ribs The ribs were outstanding as was the entire meal with all the side salads and dishes 4 Beans Coffee Co We stopped in for a quick coffee but that turned into a coffee roasting session which was fantastic Lanchonete da Lombada Here we go the mega 5 kg Lombada sandwich Lombada means speedbump in Portuguese because it was formerly a street food stall right in front of the speedbump It was just insane huge bun layers of meat hot dogs massive quantities of squeeze cheese It s not a food challenge but a very popular local family meal in Curitiba Brazil Total price 50 BRL 12 45 Tio Dog Uncle Dog Probably one of the most iconic of all the Brazilian fast food in Curitiba is TIo Dog specialising in a number of different sandwiches and hot dogs We got The Philadelphia a bun filled with hot dogs a variety of unknown sauces and little crunchy chip fries It s one of those late night impulse foods not something I d eat on a daily basis Curitiba was fun and it was a Brazilian food tour of meat CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links FOLLOW Watch all my Brazilian food videos
Everything tastes better when it's blended! ___
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