
by 街頭時尚Astor



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Cream Cheese Pudding with Mapl...

  • by MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ 1153

We made a cream cheese pudding that almost looks like a plastic food sample with maple syrup just being poured over. The pudding i...

919 Three Tier Geode Resin Cak...

  • by Pouring Your Heart Out 1236

Geode resin cake stand I used U Resin Cast to make this resin cake stand. I also used mica powders and pigment pastes by Le Rez, A...

Fluffy Angel Cake using leftov...

  • by Sora Machida 1105

Perfect way to use up left over egg white. Fluffy and light white cake using egg whites, sugar and flour only. Top up with whippe...

Как сделать дип-дизайн ( deep ...

  • by Beauty Studio MARI 2079

В нынешнем сезоне в моду входит необычный дип дизайн, сегодня мы его сделаем на термо гель-лаке) Я использовала: База Рио профи, Т...

Hand embroidery. All over embr...

  • by Leisha's Galaxy 1175

Hand embroidery. All over embroidery design for frocks and dresses. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe for further uploads. ...