홈카페 영상 모음 4탄 ☕ | 한세 HANSE
▽ 영상 아래 더보기 클릭 ! ('구독'과 '좋아요' 감사합니다 ☺)
ベッドの下で寝ていた2人が朝日とともに起きて来ました 寝起きはしばらくグズグズします コタローがハナにちゅんちゅん毛づくろい的な事をしてあげてますが ハナに手でぎゅーんってされてます Hello I have two asian small clawed ottersKotaro male DOB 11 10 2017Hana female DOB 11 24 2018 カワウソ コタロー otter ペット かわうそ ハナ
▽ 영상 아래 더보기 클릭 ! ('구독'과 '좋아요' 감사합니다 ☺)
麥仔煎 - 台灣街頭美食 (Traditional Crispy Crepe - Taiwanese Street Food)
I was in the baking spirit this weekend and decided why not make some cake pops? Today I am showing you how to decorate cake pops ...
もうすぐバレンタインなのでハートの箱をプレゼント。It is Valentine soon. In Japan, women give gift(chocolate) to men on Valentine's Day. -------------------...
Royal queen stud earrings. How to make beaded jewelry. 2 pattern in 1 tutorial
Dグレ アレン・ウォーカー、神田ユウ、ラビ 描いてみた
S U B S C R I B E !
※꽃짜기 정보※ 모양깍지 122번, 2번, 5번, 윌튼팁 233번, 윌튼팁 61 꽃받침(네일) : 7번 꽃가위, 커플러(소), 짤주머니, 고무주걱, 스크레퍼, 케이크회전판 백옥앙금 조색:자색고구마가루,단호박가루,쑥가루,코코아가루...
HEY EVERYONE! Today I'm testing out a lipgloss that retails for $85.00!!!! You must be thinking.. "Is there magic in the tube????"...
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