Abstract Watercolor Fruit Freehand Nail Art | Cherries, Watermelon & Strawberries

by JauntyJuli

Abstract Watercolor Fruit Freehand Nail Art | Cherries, Watermelon & Strawberries


Hey guys In this video I ll be doing a little freehand watercolor painting I love watercolors inside and outside of nail art so these types of designs are especially fun for me to do Don t forget to share your re creations with me on social media I d love to see them YOU LL LIKE THIS TUTORIALSAY HI Snapchat JauntyJuliPRODUCTS USED Bambooristic Detailer Brushes Winstonia USE CODE JULI10 FOR 10 OFF Berry Wine Detail Brushes WinstoniaUSE CODE JULI10 FOR 10 OFF CLEAN UP BRUSH Whats Up Nails Pure Color 4 BASE COAT KBShimmer Basic Training Base CoatLondontown Lakur Princess Awaits ACRYLIC PAINTTOP COAT KBShimmer Clearly On Top Quick Dry Top CoatMUSIC ATTRIBUTIONsoundstripe comDISCOUNT CODESGet the brushes I use and SAVE Visit www mosimei com to find your hue Use code JAUNTY for 35 off your order Want to work with me Contact jauntyjuli gmail com for business inquiries Some links above may be affiliated and some items used may be PR Samples All opinions on these products are true and honest and they are mine I will only recommend products that I like and I know my audience will enjoy as well I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning the endorsements and testimonials in advertising




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