Vintage Gucci Restoration

by Bedo's Leatherworks LLC

Vintage Gucci Restoration


Vintage Gucci restoration on the beautiful bag Replaced the lining clean dyed conditioned and water repelled Below is a list of most everything you see being used in the video if there is anything missing just drop a comment about it Leather CareBick 4Bick 1Venetian shoe creamSaphir Renovation creamTarrago Nano ProtectorLincoln E Z cleanerShoe ShineSaphir Beaute Du Cuir Creme SurfineSaphir Beaute Du Cuir Pate De Luxe wax Saphir Medaille D Or cremeSaphir Medaille D Or Mirror glossSaphir Medaille D Or Pate De LuxeSaphir Amiral High GlossLeather DyeFiebing Edge DressingLeather Refinish Angelus leather dyeFiebing s Leather DyeFiebings Edge Kote MISCMaster CementBarge Cement




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