an old sketchbook from 2017 // sketchbook tour 11

by Pypah's Art

an old sketchbook from 2017 // sketchbook tour 11


THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 100K SUBSCRIBERS Love you all xxMY SHOP tictail com pypahsartshophope you guys enjoyed this mini sketchbook tour let me know down there if you d be interested in seeing my other life drawing random sketchbooks around the house xx________________________________________________________________________________business email filipa vaz santos hotmail com________________________________________FAQ How old are you 20 You have a weird accent Where are you from I m from Portugal but have been learning English since i was 3yrs old so my accent is a messy European English ahaha Where do you live I m currently living in Leeds UK studying Animation x When did you start drawing Been drawing since I was very very teeny tiny but only started taking it seriously when i was about 11yrs old x________________________________________music from epidemicsound com Not That Serious 3 Peter Sandberg some links in the description may be affiliate links but they have no effect on prices or reviews dw



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