サブチャンネルはこちら! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUouKwOdC9j2LCdmxMXPozA
Chocolate Truffle Fudge is on the menu in Chef Anna Olson s amazing kitchen and she is going to teach you how to make this delicious recipe from scratch Follow along with the recipe below RecipeMakes one 8 inch 20 cm square panCuts into 25 36 portions Ingredients8 oz 240 g semisweet chocolate chopped ¾ cup 175 g unsalted butter cut into pieces ½ cup 100 g granulated sugar 2 Tbsp 30 mL water 1 Tbsp 15 mL corn syrup ½ cup 125 mL sweetened condensed milk 1 tsp 5 mL vanilla extract ½ tsp 2 5 g salt icing sugar for coating Directions 1 Grease an 8 inch 20 cm square pan and line the bottom and sides with parchment paper 2 Melt the chocolate and butter in a metal bowl placed over a pot with an inch 2 5 cm of barely simmering water stirring until melted Remove from the heat and set aside 3 Place the sugar water and corn syrup in a small saucepot and bring to a full boil over high heat Immediately remove from the heat and whisk into the condensed milk make sure the condensed milk is in a heatproof bowl Whisk in the chocolate vanilla and salt and let sit for 5 minutes without stirring Stir the fudge vigorously by hand with a spatula or wooden spoon for a few seconds then pour into the prepared pan and chill for 2 hours the fudge slices best when chilled 4 Turn the fudge out onto a cutting board and cut into squares Roll these in icing sugar to coat on all sides and place the fudge portions into mini paper cups if you wish Once cut the fudge can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature Shop Anna Olson Cookbooks Follow Anna on social media Follow Oh Yum on OhYum HolidayTreats
サブチャンネルはこちら! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUouKwOdC9j2LCdmxMXPozA
오늘도 고양이들이 난리가 났어요!
キジトラ猫リムはお話大好き♥ 話しかけると、お返事してくれます(#^^#)甘えん坊モードは嬉しいけど、落ちちゃうよ(*´艸`) そして、子猫リタのアピール鳴き声は超かわいい! 飼い主メロメロです♥ いっぱい食べていっぱい寝て、いっぱい遊ぼうね♪
9/7発売の「ルージュ ディオール ウルトラ ルージュ」「ルージュ ディオール インク リップ ライナー」の塗り比べを、吉次レナとまつきりなでしてみました。これから秋にかけてより赤リップが使いたくなる季節なので、皆さんの参考になれば嬉しいです!
ダガービーズとファイヤーポリッシュを使って作るビーズネックレスの作り方動画です。針と糸で編むビーズステッチ。 ファイヤーポリッシュ・ダガービーズ・チェーンは貴和製作所さんで購入しました。ダガーやFPは色を変えてアレンジしてみてください♪
With Valentines Day approaching I thought I would create a soft and romantic eye look! I wanted to use the new eye pigments with C...
Kohachannel LINE着せ替えはこちら https://store.line.me/themeshop/product/2e9576e7-f1c8-4cfd-b0dd-ba97780a2c3a/ja
今年も 色色心配されましたが 美味しいサンマが 安く出回り始めたので (サンマの刺身)です! 今日は 青唐辛子で頂きましたが・・・・辛辛 美味しいでした!!!! Nagasaki. Yamatonara 108
Music we use...try it for free: http://email.getambassador.com/wf/click?upn=plt-2FGoapKktRmRAIjC75rX8v-2Bu0Vbx3btWO5v6OXg61-2Byl2B...
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