Damn Good Vegan Meals | 3 Easy & Healthy Recipes [Mostly Raw ]

by Shine with Plants

Damn Good Vegan Meals | 3 Easy & Healthy Recipes [Mostly Raw ]


Hi Guys Here are 3 Healthy vegan meal ideas that we ve been enjoying lately at home I hope you guys enjoy Much LoVe Recipes below Quinoa recipe Makes about 3 cups cooked quinoa Combine 1 cup quinoa with 2 cups water Bring to boil Reduce heat cover with a lid and simmer until the grains are translucent and the germ has spiraled out from each grain about 15 minutes Raw Marinara sauce recipe Hummus Recipe here Hey there Welcome to my Channel I m Fabiola and I m a young mom currently based in Chicago This Channel is all about sharing my journey to spread awareness of the plant based lifestyle




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