Atys reaction to see Lake Biwa for the first time [Otter life Day 187] 初めて琵琶湖を見たアティの反応が意外だった

by Aty

Atys reaction to see Lake Biwa for the first time [Otter life Day 187] 初めて琵琶湖を見たアティの反応が意外だった


He didn t react very much to the sea for the first time But why react so much to Lake Biwa After Jan 6 I will translate languages other than English in order 英語以外の言語は 1月6日以降に順次翻訳します Aty Shop is here You can buy Aty Shirt pillows mugs or etc at hereInstagram Facebook Twitter Blog RiverOtter Aty LakeBiwa



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