5d cats eye tye dye design! Sb...
Creating a tye dye effect with cats eye gel polishes!
Hi All In this video we wanted to share our five bedroom essentials that we like to have We worked with NewChic and styled some products Our first essential is tapestry Tapestry is a great piece of decor that takes up a lot of space on the wall creates a more comfortable look and feel Its also a good way to bring a bedroom together Second essential baskets storage We had a couple things in mind when styling the baskets These baskets are so versatile and can be easily used in many different ways The baskets did originally look like they were for potted plants however they work great for throw blankets and small clothes such as socks scarfs and any other small knick knack that you might need to put away Third essential Decor Yes we know that we included a lot of lights but with fall right around the corner and depending on the state you live and the weather changing You need as much light as you can get Fourth essential Lights Lights are always needed We wanted to incorporate a couple different ideas and ways on how to style lights Fifth essential Duvet set Duvet sets always tend to be expensive But they are also essential to changing the style of a bedroom When you have a couple or the right color of duvet You can constantly change and switch out the style of your room We hope you found some inspiration and motivation to try out a different styles Products Get 15 coupon with the code coupon15 For business inquires farwhitepiece gmail comAngelina Ruth Music Inspiring Place That Feeling
Creating a tye dye effect with cats eye gel polishes!
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달고나 생크림은 대박입니다.!!! 추억의 달고나… 라기엔 아직도 너무 인기 많은 길거리 과자 이네요. 지금은 달고나가 대명사 처럼 되었지만, 저 어릴때는 뽑기라고 불렸어요. 지역마다 부르는 이름이 달랐더라고요. ㅎㅎㅎ
【激変】 メイク | ハロウィン #2
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How to sew an apron エプロンの作り方
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