Doraemon Pancake ~Happy birthd...
do you know,yesterday(Sep.3) was Doraemon's birthday? so,i made doraemon shaped pancake!;)
更正 高筋面粉正確重量是 350g 2 1 3cupThe correct weight of bread flour is 350g 2 1 3cupBANANA BREAD LOAF 香蕉土司麵包 ll Apron高筋面粉 bread flour 350g 2 1 3cup细砂糖 caster sugar 30g 4Tbsp盐 salt 1tsp奶粉 milk powder 2Tbsp香蕉 banana 1 100g全蛋 whole egg 1 55g per egg 鮮奶 fresh milk 70ml 即溶酵母 instant yeast 1 2Tbsp無鹽奶油 unsalted butter 40g 3Tbsp长模 Pan size 22cm x 6cm x 10cm 2 摄氏180 华氏356 烘烤 17 20分钟Bake at 180 C 356 F for 17 20 minutesPlease leave a LIKE and SHARE this video SUBSCRIBE my YouTube Channelfor more videos and clicked the bell so you don t miss any of my videosMy ChannelSecond ChannelFacebookBloggerInstagramAmazon shop banana bread toast Recipe
do you know,yesterday(Sep.3) was Doraemon's birthday? so,i made doraemon shaped pancake!;)
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