How To Make A Miniature Swimming Pool Zen Garden – DIY Stress-Relieving Desk Decoration

by IdunnGoddess

How To Make A Miniature Swimming Pool Zen Garden – DIY Stress-Relieving Desk Decoration


Super cute way to make a stress relief toy mini Zen Garden with swimming pool Draw on sand with mini rake and remove leaves from water with mini pool skimmer net If you want to reduce your stress and calm nerves this super adorable stress relieving desk toy will help for sure Just relax draw wavy lines pick up fallen leaves from the water surface and your mind will focus just on these relaxing actions You my dear subscribers know how I like these cute Miniature Japanese gardens Zen Gardens And this one is my answer to the Autumn depression Which is No I want summer go on LOLI show 5 easy DIYs for this miniature The first one is the main the base of all project You will need a plastic food storage container white acrylic paint water and blue food coloring and for the surrounded area I chose sand in a box cause it is a ZEN Garden I recommend to use clean sand for chinchillas or canary birds from a pet store The next DIY project DIY Miniature Lilo or Pool Air Mat is based on my video with 10 DIY projects with drinking straws So you ll need drinking straws baking paper and an iron The third mini DIY is a Miniature Swimming Pool Ladder with three steps For this project I use 2 plastic rings from shower curtain but if it is a problem for you just use bendable drinking straws And for the steps I use narrow or thin drinking straws but you can use toothpicks instead The fourth DIY is Leaf Net for pool and leaves I used bath net pouf a ring from plastic bottle cap a paper clip and a drinking straw For the leaves I too an artificial greenery but as a substitute it could be a greenery for aquariums melted green drinking straws small pieces of craft foam or anything that floats And the last one DIY miniature rake Yes I show how to make mini rake in my every Zen Garden video But this time I ve decided to make rake from wooden stir sticks but not from paper clips As an option By the way you can place miniature furniture and decorations from my DIY Mini Beach Zen Garden video It will look awesome Love Create Discover Idunn



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