Basic Embroidery Stitches used in Historical Works

by Eagle & Rue

Basic Embroidery Stitches used in Historical Works


Links to materials A Z of Embroidery Stitches A Complete Manual for the Beginner Through to the Advanced Embroiderer A Z of Needlecraft Readers digest Complete book of stitches Hand Embroidery stitches at a glance Elizabethan Stitches by Jacqi Carey Embroidery I am an artist and teacher I have been making art since as far back as I can remember I love to paint sew hand make all the things I started my electronic journey of filming and posting back in 2015 though in 2017 with my Daily Devotion work worked through my camera fears and posting on a public forum Then I decided to become a little more serious in my endeavors to create content for other artisans 2019 was a difficult year on all counts personal and professional 2020 is a new year and I am eager to continue with this project I do Custom commission embroideries as well To contact me Ankharet_mt yahoo com Other Realms of contact Instagram eagle and rue Twitter ankharet Pinterest ankharet Additional Interests Instagram elemental_healing_mt I love mail handwritten letters and postcards from around the world Address to Ankharet verch Meredudd PO Box 415 Belgrade MT 59714



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