Easy Winged Eyeliner Tutorial ...
A winged cat eye look can be a really hard look to master. Here are some of my tips that I've learned along the way that can make ...
HELLO PEOPLE I recently decluttered almost all of my makeup collection NOTE THE INTRO LOL and FINALLY have begun to organize it in my new makeup storage I m going through the blush bronzer and highlighter drawer today to show you what I kept and what I love most Let me know what drawer you d like to see a tour of next DISCLAIMER This video is not sponsored All opinions good or bad are SOLELY my own PR samples free makeup will NEVER sway my own opinion of a brand or product I DO implement commissioned links in the above product listing Lastly please remember that what I state about how a products performs looks and wears or the way I describe something is OPINION and not fact Always do your own research BUSINESS INQUIRIES mariah infagency comINSTAGRAM TWITTER
A winged cat eye look can be a really hard look to master. Here are some of my tips that I've learned along the way that can make ...
Day 25 of the Holiday Card Series 2019. The series consists of 25 holiday card videos on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each wee...
まつげを綺麗に上げるとまぶたが上がって目も大きくなるし、二重になりやすくなります! 今日は、メイクも一切せずお肌をお休みさせました。ニキビできたから。1つ。芯も何もないただ赤く虫刺されのようなニキビ。ほっときます。ふん 一方、まさきはスキンケアを変えたことでニ...
毎日更新!チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします★ ■Daily upload!Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Let’s spread! ★チーズJr.くん の可愛いグッズはこちら https://suzuri.jp/M...
ある日、録画しておいた旅猫レポートと言う猫映画を見ていた所、いつもTVに関心を示さないネコ吉がめちゃめちゃ真剣な表情で画面に釘付けになっていました。(著作権の関係で画面にはモザイクを掛けました。) ネコ吉は映画が終わるまでずっとこんな様子でしたが、まさか、映画...
Relax with wild animals for one hour, and listen to the calming sound of singing birds. Perfect cat & dog tv.
コタガッパにハッパ帽かぶせたら手をクッパされる父ガッパ。 ハナガッパはやっぱハッパかっぱらうので、母ガッパがぱっぱと届かないところに置きました。
Toby got ants in his pants :D https://www.instagram.com/timo_the_ragdoll_cat
Tasty and American Express Pay It Plan It Present Friend In Town. Terms Apply. Visit AmericanExpress.com/PayItPlanIt to learn more...
Indian food recipes pack a punch of tasty flavor!
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