California Halibut (Parasite Infected) | Catch and Cook (2 Ways)

by Hiroyuki Terada - Diaries of a Master Sushi Chef

California Halibut (Parasite Infected) | Catch and Cook (2 Ways)


Be sure to check out these YouTube Channels Song in video Ending by Peter SandbergTo buy the products I use in my videos check out my Amazon Store the price to you is the same but I will earn a very small commission California Halibut Cooked 2 Ways from Master Sushi Chef Hiroyuki TeradaWatch more popular video playlist Follow Hiroyuki Terada Watch More Hiroyuki Terada As always we wish to thank all of our fans for spending time here with us on YouTube We re all humbled and grateful for all of you and for all the sweet kind and spirited comments See you in the next episode Send fan mail and products to be reviewed to Hiroyuki Terada 6815 Biscayne Blvd Suite 103 451 Miami FL 33138 New videos every Sunday and Wednesday Business Inquiries diariesofamastersushichef gmail com About Master Sushi Chef Hiroyuki Terada Master Sushi Chef Hiroyuki Terada is one of the top Japanese Chefs in the entire world and the most popular Japanese chef on YouTube At age 10 Terada learned the basics of sushi from his father and then went on to attend RKC Chef s School in Kochi Japan from 1987 1989 He soon earned a nickname for his fast knife attention to detail divine presentation and ability to create new dishes and accents based on traditional Japanese cuisine After graduating RKC Chef School he was called to serve under Master Chef Kondo at Yuzuan restaurant in Kochi Japan from 1989 1992 Mr Kondo is the master of Kansai style cooking considered to be the high end of Japanese cuisine Terada earned the title Master Sushi Chef by becoming the standing head sushi chef can serve Fugu Japan Licensed to the public Chef Hiroyuki Terada is using the Minonokuni Matsu 1573 210mm Yanagi Super Blue Steel Can also be used for breaking down whole fish and chickens But normally for slicing sashimi vegetables meat etc This is Chef Hiro s custom specked knife For more information on these knives contact David Holly at david knifemerchant com or visit knifemerchant comLet us know how you enjoy your Minonokuni Knife Merchant7887 Dunbrook RoadSuite HSan Diego CA 92126800 714 8226www knifemerchant com



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