MoYou London Tutorial Lost in...
Walk into the wild with this amazing mani! For those who want to be one with nature!
Creating a Valentine s Day card using supplies from my capsulepapercrafting selection FULL SUPPLY LIST with links BELOW ENTER MY MONTHLY GIVEAWAYS SHARE YOUR CARDS with MAIL CALL V I D E O I N F O Happy Monday all Today I created a Valentine s Day card using supplies from my Capsule Papercrafting kit I used the Huggable stamp set from Reverse Confetti for the adorable kitties plus created some faux kraft cardstock using watercolors S U P P L I E S Below are links to the items shown in the video Compensated affiliate links used when possible Items marked with an asterisk were provided by a store or the manufacturer All other items were personally purchased Items below are shown in the order they appear in the video with most visible products shown first Reverse Confetti Huggable stamp set Fabriano Artistico Extra White Watercolor Paper cold press Tim Holtz Tonic Maxi Guillotine Paper Trimmer Hardboard 9x12 3M Scotch Blue Masking Tape American Crafts Paper Fashion Basics Watercolor Set Art Impressions Watercolor Palette Royal Langnickel Zen Watercolor Brush 1 2 inch square Precision Heat Embossing Gun MISTI Stamp Positioning Tool MISTI bar magnet EK Success Honey Bee Non Stick Scissors Versafine Onyx Black Pigment Ink Gina K Designs Cherry Red Ink Cube Gina K Designs Lipstick Ink Cube Gina K Designs Dusty Rose Ink Cube Gina K Designs Ink Cube in Plum Punch Gina K Designs Lovely Lavender Ink Cube Faber Castell Polychromos Colored Pencils 36 set Pilot Envelope Addressing Pen Extra Fine Sakura Gelly Roll White Pen 10 Bold Neenah Classic Crest Solar White 110 lbs 25 sheets Scor Pal Scor Buddy scoring board Simon Says Stamp Teflon Bone Folder L I N K S M A I L I love receiving mail and hearing from you Please do not send gifts or products But I do love letters and seeing your handmade cards MAILING ADDRESS Kristina Werner770 E Main St 143Lehi UT 84043UNITED STATES D I S C L A I M E R Some product is provided by manufacturers for review and use Compensated affiliate links used where possible
Walk into the wild with this amazing mani! For those who want to be one with nature!
The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funniest animal videos online. Simply put, we ...
아마존에서 둘 다 리뷰가 수천개고 별점이 거의 만점이라 써 봤어요. 청소기는 무겁고 전원도 연결해야 해서 불편합니다. 돌돌이가 가볍고 털 버리기도 편하네요. 잘 안되는 재질이 있어서 제 별점은 5점 만점에 4점입니다. 집에 백만점짜리...
Kelly from Off the Beaded Path, in Forest City, North Carolina shows how to make a cute pair of earrings using 12mm Rivolis and se...
はるあんのおいしい料理動画へようこそ♪ 旬の桃をたくさん食べたい♡インスタで話題の「桃のアールグレイマリネ」も作ってみました〜!
Well, here we are again! BACK AT IT WITH MY SEWING MACHINE (well actually I broke my sewing machine so this is my moms), but today...
Skip the ice cream machine, skip the electric mixer, and STILL make the Easiest Homemade Ice Cream — with just 2 Ingredients. GET ...
Using patterned paper and stamping with paper piecing. ** SUPPLIES ARE LINKED TO STORES BELOW ** For more info:
드디어 털갈이 시즌이 왔어요... 고양이들이 털을 뿜어대고 있어서 오늘은 고양이들 털을 빗겨줬어요. 정말 엄청난 것 같아요.
アビシニアン仔猫、るかとめるの猫部屋訪問5回目。猫部屋の中を自由に動けるようになってきた。先住猫が自ら匂いを嗅ぎに行く様子がみられるようになったが、まだまだ距離は遠そうだ。 猫部屋 Live配信中!
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