Chevron Fringe Earrings ♥ DIY Jewelry

by Katrinaosity

Chevron Fringe Earrings ♥ DIY Jewelry


In this video I show you how to make these adorable DIY earrings It s so fun and fast and simple and since a skein of embroidery thread is just a few cents you can make a pair in every color combination Youtube Audio Library Creative Commons License Follow Katrinaosity Mail Katrina SherwoodPO Box 1126 Culver City CA90232Hi I m Kat and I make lots of DIY videos about everything from DIY jewelry home decor gifts and crafts to Gluten Free recipes No poo hair care DIY hair extensions how to make sugaring wax and arabic wax for natural hair removal and how to make a bracelet out of a toothbrush Here you can watch videos about friendship bracelets whitening your teeth with activated charcoal or even skip on over to my second channel for Story Time videos and vlogs Shiny Pretty Things



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