Elegant Red Foil + Snowflake Nails! | Winter Nail Art Design How To

by Robin Moses Nail Art

Elegant Red Foil + Snowflake Nails! | Winter Nail Art Design How To


Hello Everyone Up today is a gorgeously elegant and wearable red and black layered nailart design This nail art is so fun if you follow me step by step Red foil set diagonally and topped with beautiful hand painted snowflakes Learn to get your line work crisp and sharp while having fun Practice now for pretty holiday christmasnails nails winternailsproducts regular craft store holo glitterstextile mediumwhite apple barrel craft paintnsi gel topcoatdazzledry final topcoatLove Robin Moses Nail Art Wizard Ph D Hail to the N A W Hashtag me inspiredbyrobinmoses when you copy my nailart SHOW ME robinmosesnailart on instagramworldwide OTHER PLACES




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