HAPPY姐姐的【吞拿鱼饭团】便当 很简单 Onigiri【...
Ingredients: 罐头吞拿鱼 净重170克Canned tuna 170g(net weight) 酱油1.5汤匙Soy sauce 1.5 tbsp 日式调味料 FURIKAKE 2汤匙 FURIKAKE 2 tbsp 麻油 1茶匙 Sesame ...
LEARN HOW TO MAKE CHINESE CHILI GREEN BEAN STIR FRY RECIPELAY HO MA This recipe is definitely a childhood favourite it s crunchy salt spicy and just all kinds of deliciousness Join me in this episode and learn how to turn those humble green beans into this amazing dish with this Chinese chili green beans stir fry recipe Let s begin Ingredients 1 2 lb green beans3 pieces garlic1 large shallot2 tbsp soy sauce1 tsp rice vinegar1 tbsp hosin sauce2 dried chili peppersDirections 1 Bring a pot of water to boil for the beans2 Finely slice the garlic and shallot3 Mix together the soy sauce rice vinegar and hosin sauce4 When the water comes to a boil blanch the beans for 3 4min5 Strain out the water from the beans6 Heat up a sauté pan to medium heat Add the chili oil7 Sauté the shallot and garlic for about 1min Then add the green beans and sauté for 4 5min8 Add the dried chili peppers followed by the sauce and a dash of water9 Sauté for another few minutes until the sauce has been absorbedORDER YOUR SIGNED VEGAN RAMEN COOKBOOK FREE E BOOK HERE If you enjoyed this episode and would love to see more remember to like comment and subscribe so that you won t miss a single episode Hong Kong born Canadian Wil Yeung is an international photographer filmmaker entrepreneur violinist and YouTube chef He immigrated to Canada when he was a young boy carrying with him his ability to speak Cantonese and some broken English Much of his culinary aspirations stem from his background in the visual and musical art spaces Whether you re plant based or plant based curious Wil believes that learning how to make food can really change your life and of those around you STAY IN THE LOOP ON SOCIAL MEDIA Wil s Recipes on Instagram mr_wilyeungWil s Recipes on Facebook fb me mrwilyeungWil s Photography Video on Instagram wyphotography comWil s Photography Video on Facebook wyphotographyYou are watching
Ingredients: 罐头吞拿鱼 净重170克Canned tuna 170g(net weight) 酱油1.5汤匙Soy sauce 1.5 tbsp 日式调味料 FURIKAKE 2汤匙 FURIKAKE 2 tbsp 麻油 1茶匙 Sesame ...
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DIY TEACUP POUCH BAG | Sewing Gift Idea | Easy & Simple Makeup Bag Tutorial [sewingtimes] This is a pretty bag that can be easily ...
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