SIR JOHN Lion King Makeup Collection Review, Lip Swatches & Tutorial

by Shaaanxo

SIR JOHN Lion King Makeup Collection  Review, Lip Swatches & Tutorial


The Lion King makeup collection by Sir John I just found out that this company Luminess is a MLM company which is a process I don t personally approve of for various reasons I don t think i ll promote this stuff again even the stuff I enjoyed just bc of personal views on MLM run companies and bad experiences in the past However this review was filmed already and people are looking forward to it so please do your research in to MLM run companies to decide if this is something you want to put your har earned money in to I havent played with Luminess products in so many years so i m not sure if it is a recent thing change or not Also no idea how it works in relation to the private consultants if you order directly off Ulta If you know leave a comment Regardless enjoy the review and my pros and cons Thanks guys shaaanxo thelionking makeuptutorial MORE VIDEOS BUY THE COLLECTIONTHIS VIDEO ISNT SPONSORED Some links are affiliate Thanks for the support _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chat With Me BUSINESS ENQUIRIES ONLY business shaaanxo co nzShannon HarrisPO Box 9107Terrace End 4441Palmerston NorthNEW ZEALAND_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Online Shopping MY BRAND HOW I GET USA MAKEUP MAKEUP BEAUTY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Outtro Music Craves By My Side



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