Zebra Funwari Brush Pen Review for Handlettering & Modern Calligraphy

by How to Hand Letter

Zebra Funwari Brush Pen Review for Handlettering & Modern Calligraphy


The Zebra Funwari is a small sized brush pen used for hand lettering and modern calligraphy They seem to be a bit less commonly known than some other popular small brush pens but they seem to become a favorite quickly for both beginner and advanced hand lettering artists In this review I m sharing a few thoughts about them including swatches and hand lettering aka modern calligraphy Click Show More to see more In this video ________________________________________What I use for filming ________________________________________________________________________________These are some things that I get asked a lot about __________________________________________________________________________________Follow Me On Social Media _________________________________________FTC Disclaimer This video is NOT sponsored As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases



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