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ФОАМИРАН и другие материалы можно купить тут https://tadi.pro/?ref=8901 ---- Купон на скидку в магазине ТаДи TADI-G671N-EAK0T_8901...
This is the longest chit chat get ready with me I ve done but I hope you like how this juicy coral yellow orange makeup inspired by fuji apples turned out In this video I open up a bit more about self hate test out new products and share some makeup tricks hacksFOLLOW ME __________________________________________oooo surprise upload this is my first makeup video since I moved I wanted to sit down and talk about what I ve been up to since there s a lot going on in my life right now But here s 30 minutes of me chatting and doing my makeup heh Grab your makeup brushes and let s get ready for the day together I ve been more active on Snapchat lately so make sure to add me on there luxejessy if you want to see more BTS of editing and what s going on when I don t upload What have you been up to this month tbh I feel like April just started this month has really been a blur for me I m still trying to transition into learning how to function as an adult ew wtf are taxes But good news summer is starting soon June 21 in the N Hemisphere so yay for more colorful makeup looks see u soon xo__________________________________________P R O D U C T S EYES FACE LIPS CONTACT LENSES T O O L S JESSYLUXE for 10 off Sigma products No longer available Newchic Contour BrushW E A R I N GEarrings GiftedT E C HCamera Canon Rebel T6iLens Kit Lens EF S 18 55mm f 3 5 5 6 IS STM LensMic Rode Videomic GoSD Card Lexar SDXC Class 10 128 GBEditing Program Final Cut Pro X 10 3 2Lighting Natural daylight M U S I C Jason Pedder Douglas Brown Crush ItJoakim Karud CanalsFTC Some of these links are affiliate links
ФОАМИРАН и другие материалы можно купить тут https://tadi.pro/?ref=8901 ---- Купон на скидку в магазине ТаДи TADI-G671N-EAK0T_8901...
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Go watch, Subscribe and love Kayley Melissa here » » » https://www.youtube.com/user/LetsMakeitUp1/ xo's ~ Tati 😇 HALO Before & Af...
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