Coconut Oil Soap | Cold Process Soap Making
Coconut Oil Soap using 100 coconut oil and a 20 superfat I also added some pink kaolin clay used a round cylinder mold and put this batch in the freezer to avoid overheating This soap is unscented and was created using the cold process soap making method Thank you so much for watching liking subscribing Remember to always wear safety glasses and gloves when making soap If you ve never made cold process soap before check out these helpful videos If you use those links to buy anything it won t cost you anything extra but I will receive a very small percentage of the sale Every little bit helps though so thank you very much if you do Video Timeline 00 21 lining the mold00 39 preparing the pink kaolin clay00 54 measuring out the coconut oil01 16 mixing the coconut oil lye01 34 what a grainy false trace looks like02 02 coloring the soap and pouring into the mold03 21 removing from freezer cutting04 22 final photosThe first time I made this recipe the soap overheated during saponification and cracked down the top even uninsulated with no lid on the log mold So with this batch I just put the mold in the freezer with no lid and left it overnight RECIPE Coconut Oil 100 Superfat 20 Water 2 x sodium hydroxide 33 lye solution To calculate the sodium hydroxide for your specific recipe size you can use a soap calculator like the one at Majestic Mountain Sage Pink Kaolin Clay aka Rose Clay 1 teaspoon hydrated clay per cup of soap NOTE Amazon Links are AFFILIATE Links SOME OF MY SOAP MAKING EQUIPMENT VIDEO EQUIPMENT WHERE TO FIND ME ONLINE MUSIC INFO
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