519 Metallic Gold Pearl Pour U...
Pearl pour For this pearl pour, I used 2 parts Floetrol to 1 part Liquitex Basics paints with a splash of water. I mixed 1 part De...
Ingredients for cake 3 tbsp boiling water 热水 2 tbsp cocoa powder 可可粉 4 egg yolks 蛋黄 1 whole egg 全蛋 20g caster sugar 细砂糖 1 8 tsp salt 盐 65g corn oil 玉米油 45 water 水 1 2 tsp vanilla essence 香草精 100g plain flour 普通面粉 10g corn flour 玉米粉 4 egg whites 蛋白 80g caster sugar 细砂糖 Coffee caramel buttercream 咖啡焦糖奶油 160g sugar 砂糖 150g dairy whipping cream 动物性鲜奶油 1 4 tsp salt 盐 2 tsp instant coffee powder 即溶咖啡粉 250g butter 牛油 Coffee syrup 咖啡糖浆 1 1 2 tbsp caster sugar 细砂糖 1 1 2 tbsp instant coffee powder 即溶咖啡粉 90ml boiling water 热水 2 tbsp coffee liqueur 咖啡酒
Pearl pour For this pearl pour, I used 2 parts Floetrol to 1 part Liquitex Basics paints with a splash of water. I mixed 1 part De...
What do you think about this hair style? Here is Marcela Tumas video that inspired me to try this technique: https://www.youtube....
► TAI HAO LE MERCH: https://www.bonfire.com/tai-hao-le/ Today we're going DEEP for a full-on SEAFOOD and BBQ Camel Adventure in Es...
期待很久了唄(竊笑),下一集更是精彩滿滿,預計本週可以一起發佈! 快來訂閱我吧►http://bit.ly/sgh-yt 追蹤我的生活►FB:http://bit.ly/fb-GH ►IG:http://bit.ly/ig-GH
안녕하세요. 블랑주니입니다. 스템스티치로 만드는 예쁜 장미자수에요. 스템스티치는 아우트라인 스티치와 실방향만 반대이고 사실상 기법이 같은 스티치입니다. 중심부터 빙빙둘러가며 실의 여유를 주면서 스티치를 하시면 풍성하고 볼륨감있는 장...
This is a Guider Ebonite pen with a #4 Mabie Todd dip pen nib.
Gift Wrapping | 扇形禮物包裝教學-錯開版(正方體禮物盒)
昔教わりました 刺身なら何でもいいです。 島根県 松江市の郷土料理です。
シュシュ型紙 10cm×60cm ティッシュカバー型紙 21cm×14cm
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