CAKE Decorating in 10 MINUTES
Hey guys, I'm still editing this week's video recipe. I promise it's going to be a good one! For a sneak peek at the recipe, go he...
We wanted to try something inspired by street food so we created this dish Crispy and chewy the melted cheese flows out for a delicious taste If this was on the menu of a Yatai food stall or a food truck we would definitely order this dish We think this would be even more tasty if jalapeno or something else spicy was added Recipe Makes 20 1 Make cross shaped cuts in 250 grams of May Queen potatoes and wrap in plastic wrap without while still wet 2 Heat in a 600 watt microwave oven for 4 5 to 5 minutes 3 Peel and crush with 20 grams of butter and a pinch of salt 4 Mix in 5 grams of milk and 60 grams of corn starch 5 Cut two pieces of sakeru cheese string cheese into 20 equal pieces Reserve 40 grams of pizza cheese 6 Wrap one piece of string cheese and 2 grams of the pizza cheese with the potato mixture and roll into a ball shape 7 Deep fry in 180 oil for 3 minutes8 Done Just like a dish at a Yatai food stall ストリートフードに憧れる妄想グルメ 今回はこんな感じのが食べたくて作ってみました カリッ もちっ そしてチーズがとろっと出てきて おいしい 屋台やフードトラックにあったら絶対に頼んじゃうと思うな ハラペーニョとかの刺激があったらもっと美味しいかも と思ってたらtrader vic sにそういうのあるみたい 全然ストリートフードじゃない レシピ 20個 1 洗ったメークイーン 250gは十文字に浅い切込みを入れ 濡れたままラップに包む 2 600wの電子レンジで4分半 5分ほど加熱する 3 皮を剥き バター 20g 塩 ひとつまみを加え潰す 4 牛乳 15g 片栗粉 60gを加え混ぜる 5 さけるチーズ 2本は20等分に切る ピザ用チーズ 40gを準備する 6 15gほどの4で5のさけるチーズとピザ用チーズ 2gを包みコロコロと丸める 7 180度の油で3分ちょい揚げる 8 でけた 屋台で売ってる風ですな japanese streetfood cheeseballs
Hey guys, I'm still editing this week's video recipe. I promise it's going to be a good one! For a sneak peek at the recipe, go he...
ちくたくの手芸塾 第42回目 簡単!カチュームを作ってみよう
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At the 2018 Arkansas Pen Show, I watched Master Penman Michael Sull spend 15 minutes to write "The Pen Habit" in Spencerian Callig...
♥This video shows you how to carve a cute and attractive framed roses in soap. This soap can be used as a hanging decoration....
Funny And Cute French Bulldog | French bulldog Puppies | Funny dog videos try not to laugh #22 Hope you like our compilation, can ...
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