DIY celestial gifts

by Jordan Clark

DIY celestial gifts


Dwell on the beauty of life Watch the stars and see yourself running with them Marcus Aurelius MeditationsSupplies includes some affiliate links from which I earn a small commission if you purchase an item through the linkCelestial hair pins flat top hair pins hobby lobby bobby pins target spray paint hobby lobbymoon phase wall hanging gold spray paint hobby lobby twine or string any craft store gold spray paint hobby lobbydream journal cardboard recycled plain paper baker s twine micheals alphabet stamp michealstrinket dish acrylic paint any craft storecelestial charms keychains acrylic paint any craft store keychains and jump rings hobby lobby mini glass bottle charms hobby lobby Misc some affiliate links editing software Adobe Premiere Pro all music from artlist io for you airbnb 40 credit www airbnb com c jordanc1823 uber free ride code jordanc16501ue For business inquiries jordan stellaire gmail com Some links may be affiliate links from which I get a small percentage of a sale made through the link Video not sponsored



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